Partners Partners Chapter 1 A Project Mrs. Fuller stood in front of the class. "Boys and girls," she said, "I want to spend our science time today talking about the science fair. I know some of you were in it last year, but the rules are a bit different this year. This year, you may work with a partner, so pick someone who you think will be able to cooperate with you." Ella turned around in her chair to look at her best friend, Lizzie. She was amused to see Lizzie already looking at her. "


Chapter 1 A Project

Mrs. Fuller stood in front of the class."Boys and girls," she said, "I want to spend our science time today talking about the science fair.I know some of you were in it last year, but the rules are a bit different this year.This year, you may work with a partner,so pick someone who you think will be able to cooperate with you."
Ella turned around in her chair to look at her best friend, Lizzie.She was amused to see Lizzie already looking at her."Partners?" she mouthed, and she grinned when Lizzie nodded quickly.She turned back around to listen to Mrs. Fuller explain how to do the projects.
Ella had won a second-place ribbon last year.This year, she wanted to win a blue ribbon and a purple Best in Show ribbon.She couldn't wait to get started with Lizzie.Lizzie was not always the most patient person, but she was really good at science.
After school, Ella and Lizzie climbed onto the bus together.Before Ella had a chance to say anything, Lizzie said, "I have the best project idea!"
"I have one too!" Ella said. "We can show how flowers drink water."
"We can show how seeds move," Lizzie said at the same time.
Chapter 2 Choosing

The girls sat in silence for a moment.Lizzie said, "My brother did the project with seeds and it was really cool.He put on socks and walked through the park to see which seeds stuck to him."
Ella smiled faintly. "My sister did the flower project with white carnations and put different colors of food coloring in their water.Then she used flower cutouts on her board."
"Oh," Lizzie said. "I guess we'll have to choose one or the other."
"Yeah," Ella said. "How are we going to pick which one is better?"
"Well, I did a project last year and I won a blue ribbon. How did you do?" Lizzie said.
Ella looked down and mumbled, "I got a second-place ribbon."
"Then we should definitely use my idea," Lizzie announced."This is my stop! See you tomorrow," she called as she got off the bus.
Ella thought about the project for the rest of the afternoon.She had really wanted to do the flower project.She remembered it had looked interesting when her sister did it.
But maybe Lizzie was right and the seed idea was better.And maybe Ella would get to plan and design their display board.She loved doing creative things like that, and she knew she had a great imagination.