Losing Grandpa

Losing Grandpa Losing Grandpa CHAPTER 1 Where's Mom? "What are you doing here?" Hannah asked as she walked up the front path to her house. Coming home from school, she saw her Mom's friend Laura standing at the door. Hannah's mom's car was gone. "Where's Mom? She's always here when I get home from school." ''Sweetie, something's happened. Why don't you put down your things and we'll talk." Hannah rushed upstairs with her backpack and then hurried back downstairs. "What happened?" Laura


Losing Grandpa

Losing Grandpa

CHAPTER 1 Where's Mom?

"What are you doing here?" Hannah asked as she walked up the front path to her house.Coming home from school, she saw her Mom's friend Laura standing at the door.Hannah's mom's car was gone."Where's Mom? She's always here when I get home from school."

''Sweetie, something's happened. Why don't you put down your things and we'll talk."
