Mr. Grim's TOWER
Mr. Grim's TOWER Mr. Grim's TOWER Mr. Grim lived in the middle of town. He liked his house but he didn't like the hustle and bustle of town. There were too many people. There was too much noise. All day Mr. Grim could hear horses and carts clatter by his front door. He could not work. It made him very grumpy. "Keep quiet!" Mr. Grim shouted. Keep quite! All night Mr. Grim could hear people singing in the streets. He could hear them snoring in their beds. He could not sleep. It made him very
Mr. Grim's TOWER

Mr. Grim's TOWER

Mr. Grim lived in the middle of town.He liked his house but he didn't like the hustle and bustle of town.There were too many people. There was too much noise.

All day Mr. Grim could hear horses and carts clatter by his front door.He could not work. It made him very grumpy."Keep quiet!" Mr. Grim shouted. Keep quite!

All night Mr. Grim could hear people singing in the streets.He could hear them snoring in their beds.He could not sleep. It made him very grouchy. "Keep quiet!" Mr. Grim shouted.

Whenever people saw him, they said, "Look out!Here comes Mr. Grim. He is a very grumpy and grouchy man."So one day Mr. Grim made up his mind.He packed his bags and went to live in the tall tower at the top of the cliffs.

The tower was old and dark but Mr. Grim loved it. He loved the peace and quiet.He loved the way the stairs turned and twisted to the very top.
Most of all, Mr. Grim loved the views from the big round windows.
From his tower, Mr. Grim could look out over the hustle and bustle of town
From his tower, he could see the hills and trees of the countryside.
Best of all, Mr. Grim could look far out to sea.He loved sitting in the window. He loved watching the boats sail past.There were tall boats and long boats, paddle boats and rowing boats.
But Mr. Grim was still not truly happy. During the day nobody came to visit.The tower looked dark and creepy. Mr. Grim still looked grumpy and grouchy.When Mr. Grim waved, people ran away.
Only the seagulls came to visit and they just made a mess.Mr. Grim had to spend most of his time cleaning the tower."Go away!" he shouted, waving his fist at the birds.