Franklin's VALENTINES Franklin's VALENTINES FRANKLIN could count to ten and back again. He knew the days of the week, the months of the year, and the holidays in every season. Today was Valentine's Day, and Franklin was counting the valentines he'd made for his friends. He wanted to be sure he hadn't forgotten anyone. "Hurry up, Franklin," said his mother. "You'll miss the school bus!" Franklin rushed to find his hat and mittens and boots. He tossed his valentines into his bag. "I'm going


FRANKLIN could count to ten and back again.He knew the days of the week, the months of the year, and the holidays in every season.Today was Valentine's Day, and Franklin was counting the valentines he'd made for his friends.He wanted to be sure he hadn't forgotten anyone.

"Hurry up, Franklin," said his mother. "You'll miss the school bus!"
Franklin rushed to find his hat and mittens and boots.He tossed his valentines into his bag.
"I'm going!" called Franklin, and he hurried out the door.
At school, Mr. Owl gave the class a valentine spelling bee and valentine arithmetic problems.But everyone was too excited about the Valentine's Day party to think about work.
Franklin whispered to Bear, "I can't believe we have to wait until after lunch to give out our cards."
"I can't believe we have to wait until after lunch for the goodies," Bear whispered back.
At last, it was time for the party. "You may get your valentines now," said Mr. Owl.
Franklin grabbed his bag and reached inside.He pulled out his hat, and he pulled out his mittens.He pulled out a ball and a scrunched-up piece of homework.Then he held his bag upside down and shook it.
"What's wrong?" asked Bear. "My valentines! They're gone!" cried Franklin.
After Franklin looked everywhere, Mr. Owl let him phone home.Franklin waited and waited while his mother searched.
"I'm so sorry, Franklin," she finally said."I found your valentines outside in a puddle of slush. The cards are ruined."
Franklin blinked away tears. He gave the phone to Mr. Owl and ran out of the room.
Mr. Owl found Franklin in the cloakroom. "There you are, Franklin," he said."Your friends are waiting. We can't start the party without you."
"I don't belong at the party," replied Franklin. "I don't have any valentines to give."
"I know," said Mr. Owl. "Your mother told me what happened. And I told the class."
Franklin moaned. "I guess no one's going to give me a valentine now."
"Hmmm," said Mr. Owl. "If Bear lost his valentines, would you decide not to give him a card?"
"I'd never do that!" exclaimed Franklin. "Bear is my friend."
"Maybe Bear feels the same way about you," replied Mr. Owl.
Franklin thought about that. "Maybe," he said. He cheered up a little.