Franklin IS BOSSY
Franklin IS BOSSY Franklin IS BOSSY FRANKLIN the turtle could zip zippers and button buttons. He could count by twos and tie his shoes. He had lots of friends and one best friend, named Bear. They played tag and marbles, hopscotch and ball. But one day something awful happened. Franklin and Bear had a fight. It was a steamy summer morning. Franklin told his friends, "Let's play marbles." And they did. After a while, Franklin said, "I'm tired of marbles, let's have a race." "You always pi
Franklin IS BOSSY

Franklin IS BOSSY

FRANKLIN the turtle could zip zippers and button buttons.He could count by twos and tie his shoes.He had lots of friends and one best friend, named Bear.They played tag and marbles, hopscotch and ball.But one day something awful happened. Franklin and Bear had a fight.

It was a steamy summer morning.Franklin told his friends, "Let's play marbles." And they did.
After a while, Franklin said, "I'm tired of marbles, let's have a race."
"You always pick the games," grumbled Bear. Franklin paid no attention.
They started to run. Bear was in the lead.Goose followed close behind. Franklin saw that he was losing and cried out...
"Slowest one wins!" as he crawled across the finish line last.
"That's not fair," said Bear.
Franklin ignored him. "I'm tired of running, let's play baseball."
Bear did not put on his mitt. He did not put on his cap. He was mad.
"It's too hot. I don't want to play," said Bear.
"Me neither," said Beaver. "It's not too hot!" said Franklin.
"Is too," said Bear. "Is not," said Franklin.
"I don't want to play with you, Franklin!" shouted Bear.
"And I don't want to play with you, either!" Franklin shouted back.
Franklin stomped all the way home. "What's wrong?" asked his father.
"There's no one to play with," answered Franklin.
"Maybe your friends will come by later," said Franklin's father. "Maybe," he said.
In his room, Franklin built a castle. He made a cape to be brave in.He made shields and swords and suits of armor. He drew pictures.He played house. He read stories.He played by himself for one whole hour, and then he didn't know what to do.