Class Pets
Class Pets Class Pets Chapter 1 The Adventure One evening long after school was out, Raisin said, "Wow, it's quiet, isn't it?" "Yes, it is quiet. Let's do something exciting. I'm bored," yawned Rocky. "Did you hear the kids saying today that Zip is not feeling well?" asked Moe. "Let's go visit Zip!" said Rocky. "But - but Zip lives way down the hall in the science classroom," Moe said nervously. "Come on! It will be fun!" said Rocky. "Be careful, Rocky," said Moe. "Oh," said Ro
Class Pets

Class Pets

Chapter 1 The Adventure

One evening long after school was out, Raisin said, "Wow, it's quiet, isn't it?"
"Yes, it is quiet. Let's do something exciting. I'm bored," yawned Rocky.
"Did you hear the kids saying today that Zip is not feeling well?" asked Moe.
"Let's go visit Zip!" said Rocky.
"But - but Zip lives way down the hall in the science classroom," Moe said nervously.
"Come on! It will be fun!" said Rocky.
"Be careful, Rocky," said Moe.
"Oh," said Rocky, "you know I'm a great climber.Relax, Moe, you worry way too much."
"Will you be able to reach the cage door to unlatch it?" asked Raisin.
"Of course. I've got everything perfectly under control, guys," Rocky boasted.
The hamsters got out of the cage and slid down the table leg.They scurried across the classroom.
Rocky was the first to reach the door.He peered down the long, dark hallway. "Now what?" asked Moe.
"We have to get moving, but we have to be quiet.Our actions must be slow and careful," Rocky said bravely.
Chapter 2 Visitors

As the hamsters entered the science classroom, Harry the guinea pig yelled,"Hey! What are you hamsters doing in here?" His voice was loud and angry.
"We've come to see Zip," said Raisin nervously.
"Well, Zip is sick. Go back to your room where you belong!" grumbled Harry.
Grumpy old Harry didn't frighten Rocky."We're just visiting to see if we can help Zip," Rocky said calmly.
Rocky reached Zip's cage while Raisin and Moe were still struggling up the table leg.
"Come on, Raisin. Hurry up, Moe," urged Rocky.
"Can you see Zip, Rocky? Is he okay?" puffed Moe.
"I think he's asleep," Raisin whispered. "Should we leave?" asked Moe.
"After we came all this way?" Rocky said loudly.He saw Zip's tail curl closer to his body."Hey, look, he's awake!" Rocky cheered.