Franklin's NEW FRIEND
Franklin's NEW FRIEND Franklin's NEW FRIEND FRANKLIN had always lived in the same house in the same town. He had grown up with his friends, and each one had a special place in Franklin's life. When Franklin wanted to play hide and seek, he called Fox. If Franklin needed a best friend, he called Bear. Franklin never thought about making friends until a new family moved in down the lane. Franklin was curious about the newcomers. He rubbed his eyes as the movers unloaded the furniture. The
Franklin's NEW FRIEND

Franklin's NEW FRIEND

FRANKLIN had always lived in the same house in the same town.He had grown up with his friends, and each one had a special place in Franklin's life.
When Franklin wanted to play hide and seek, he called Fox.If Franklin needed a best friend, he called Bear.
Franklin never thought about making friends until a new family moved in down the lane.
Franklin was curious about the newcomers.
He rubbed his eyes as the movers unloaded the furniture.The beds were made for giants, and the lamps were as tall as trees.
When Franklin finally saw the family, he was speechless.
Franklin had never met a moose before. He had heard about moose.He had seen pictures of moose. But he had never actually known one.They were huge. Even the smallest moose was big.
Franklin was so scared that he raced home.
"A moose family moved in!"
"That's nice," said Franklin's mother. "Maybe you'll make a new friend."Franklin shook his head. "I don't think so."
"I expect you to be nice when you meet someone new," warned his mother. Franklin scowled.
The next morning, there was a moose in Franklin's classroom.
"Please give a warm welcome to your new classmate," said Mr. Owl.
"Hello, Moose," said the class in unison.
Moose mumbled hello and looked at his feet.
"He doesn't look very friendly," whispered Beaver.
Mr. Owl told the class that Moose had come from a different place, far away.
"Franklin," said Mr. Owl, "I'd like you to be a buddy for Moose."
Franklin tried to smile but he was scared. Moose was so big!