Franklin's BLANKET
Franklin's BLANKET Franklin's BLANKET FRANKLIN could slide down a riverbank all by himself. He could count by twos and tie his shoes. He could even sleep alone — as long as he had a goodnight story, a goodnight hug, a glass of water, a night light and his blue blanket. In the beginning, the blanket was big and soft and edged in satin. But with all the snuggling and cuddling, it now had holes in the middle and tatters along the edges. Every year, as Franklin got bigger, his blue blanket got sma
Franklin's BLANKET

Franklin's BLANKET

FRANKLIN could slide down a riverbank all by himself.He could count by twos and tie his shoes.He could even sleep alone — as long as he had a goodnight story,a goodnight hug, a glass of water, a night light and his blue blanket.

In the beginning, the blanket was big and soft and edged in satin.But with all the snuggling and cuddling, it now had holes in the middle and tatters along the edges.Every year, as Franklin got bigger, his blue blanket got smaller.

Franklin usually kept his blanket folded in his top drawer.One night it wasn't there. Franklin searched around his room.He rummaged through his toy chest.He took everything out of his drawers and his books off the shelves.But he could not find his blue blanket anywhere.

He ran to tell his parents.
"Go back to bed," they said as soon as they saw him. "But, but ..." said Franklin.
"No buts," said Franklin's father."You have had a goodnight story, a goodnight hug,two glasses of water, and I turned on your night light myself."
"But I can't find my blanket," said Franklin.
So Franklin and his parents hunted everywhere.
"Try to remember," said Franklin's mother. "When did you last have it?"
Franklin thought. In the morning, after a fight with Bear, Franklin had snuggled with the blanket until he felt better.
In the afternoon, when thunder crashed and lightning flashed,Franklin had covered himself with the blanket until all was calm.
He was sure that after the storm he had put the blanket back where it belonged.
When Franklin and his parents looked, the blanket wasn't there.
"We'll find it tomorrow," said Franklin's mother.
"I can't sleep without my blanket," said Franklin.
"I have an idea," said Franklin's father.He left the room and came back with an old, yellow blanket.
"What's that?" asked Franklin.
"It was mine," said Franklin's father. "Maybe it will make you feel better."
Franklin tried to snuggle the old, yellow blanket, but it wasn't the same.He missed his own blanket terribly, and it took Franklin a long, long time to fall asleep.