Chapter 2 Party!
Chapter 2 Party! Chapter 2 Party! The applesauce simmered on the stove. A delicious smell came from the oven while Roger helped his dad clean up the kitchen. He just couldn't wait until it was ready! "How much longer, Dad?" he asked. Then they heard a knock at the door. "Who's that?" asked Roger. "Answer the door and you'll find out," said Dad, smiling. It was Roger's grandfather. He was carrying a large bowl. "Happy summer, Roger!" he said. "I brought you some fruit salad." "Thank you,
Chapter 2 Party!

Chapter 2 Party!

The applesauce simmered on the stove.A delicious smell came from the oven while Roger helped his dad clean up the kitchen.He just couldn't wait until it was ready! "How much longer, Dad?" he asked.
Then they heard a knock at the door. "Who's that?" asked Roger.
"Answer the door and you'll find out," said Dad, smiling.