Tag: level 70
Chapter 2 The Stray
Chapter 2 The Stray Chapter 2 The Stray "This is where it happened," Chandra said. "Where what happened?" Dylan asked. "So Animesh...
CHAPTER 3 Morning Comes
CHAPTER 3 Morning Comes CHAPTER 3 Morning Comes The bright morning light hit Hannah's face just after six o'clock. She didn't need...
Losing Grandpa
Losing Grandpa Losing Grandpa CHAPTER 1 Where's Mom? "What are you doing here?" Hannah asked as she walked up the front path to her...
Chapter 3 Maidu Stories
Chapter 3 Maidu Stories Chapter 3 Maidu Stories Next week, we practice for the dong-kato. Actually, girls in my grade participated...
Chapter 5 5 January 1855
Chapter 5 5 January 1855 Chapter 5 5 January 1855 Dear Diary, We have rounded the Horn. I am so glad! We have left the Atlantic Ocean,...
Chapter 4 2 December 1854
Chapter 4 2 December 1854 Chapter 4 2 December 1854 Dear Diary, I have made friends with the ship's cat. He is a gray ball of fluff,...
Chapter 3 25 November 1854
Chapter 3 25 November 1854 Chapter 3 25 November 1854 Dear Diary, We have set sail for San Francisco! Everything was so busy yesterday....
Chapter 2 4 November 1854
Chapter 2 4 November 1854 Chapter 2 4 November 1854 Dear Diary, Papa has booked passage for us on a ship called the Sea Charger. It...
The Incredible Sea Journey
The Incredible Sea Journey The Incredible Sea Journey Chapter 1 24 September 1854 Dear Diary, Today I will begin to keep a diary....
CHAPTER 3 The Right Move for Jenna
CHAPTER 3 The Right Move for Jenna CHAPTER 3 The Right Move for Jenna Monday morning, Jenna makes her way slowly down the hall toward...
CHAPTER 2 "What If I'm a Big Flop?"
CHAPTER 2 "What If I'm a Big Flop?" CHAPTER 2 "What If I'm a Big Flop?" One Monday morning in late fall, Jenna takes her seat in homeroom...
RUSTY to the Rescue!
RUSTY to the Rescue! RUSTY to the Rescue! Chapter 1 All Set for the Party! "Wow!" Arlene said happily, as she stood back to admire...
Chapter 4 Richer Than Ever
Chapter 4 Richer Than Ever Chapter 4 Richer Than Ever The next day Sinbad of the Sea began his tale again. This time he told the porter...
Chapter 3 "I Am That Sinbad"
Chapter 3 "I Am That Sinbad" Chapter 3 "I Am That Sinbad" The next visit began much as before. Once Sinbad had eaten and both were...
Chapter 2 The First Adventure
Chapter 2 The First Adventure Chapter 2 The First Adventure The next day the porter returned. Once again his host saw to his comfort...
SNOW-WHITE SNOW-WHITE A very long time ago, in mid winter, when the snowflakes were falling like feathers from heaven, a beautiful...