Tag: level 49
Cali and Wanda Lou
Cali and Wanda Lou Cali and Wanda Lou Chapter 1 We're On Our Way My name is Cali. My owner, Wanda Lou named me Cali because I'm a...
A Selection from Alice in Wonderland
A Selection from Alice in Wonderland A Selection from Alice in Wonderland In this classic story, Alice follows the White Rabbit down...
Chapter 4 LEIF ERICSON Chapter 4 LEIF ERICSON Perhaps the most famous Viking was a son of Eric the Red. His name was Leif. Since he...
Chapter 3 ERIC THE RED
Chapter 3 ERIC THE RED Chapter 3 ERIC THE RED To many people, Iceland seemed an ideal place to live. But not everyone fit in there....
Chapter 3 Prehisto Parc
Chapter 3 Prehisto Parc Chapter 3 Prehisto Parc After the tour, the family ate sandwiches for lunch at a cafe and then drove up the...
Chapter 2 Moving Pictures
Chapter 2 Moving Pictures Chapter 2 Moving Pictures The guide showed them another bison scene. She turned off her flashlight's white...
Chapter 4 Bangkok: City of Angels
Chapter 4 Bangkok: City of Angels Chapter 4 Bangkok: City of Angels People in Thailand call Bangkok the "City of Angels" - the same...
Chapter 2 DlSCOVERING A NEW LAND Chapter 2 DlSCOVERING A NEW LAND One brave Viking, Gardard Svavarsson, sailed beyond the seas where...
Chapter 4 The End of the Titanic
Chapter 4 The End of the Titanic Chapter 4 The End of the Titanic The ship sank lower and suddenly a huge wave rolled up die deck...
Chapter 3 Beijing: City of Extremes
Chapter 3 Beijing: City of Extremes Chapter 3 Beijing: City of Extremes Beijing, the capital of China, is a large, old, and mysterious...
Chapter 2 Tokyo: City of Electric Lights
Chapter 2 Tokyo: City of Electric Lights Chapter 2 Tokyo: City of Electric Lights The flight from Los Angeles to Tokyo, the capital...
Cali and Wanda Lou
Cali and Wanda Lou Cali and Wanda Lou Chapter 1 We're On Our Way My name is Cali. My owner, Wanda Lou named me Cali because I'm a...
Mystery in the Moonlight
Mystery in the Moonlight Mystery in the Moonlight Chapter 1 Nico and Isabel Lopez were twins, but other than being born on the same...