Chapter 4 LEIF ERICSON Chapter 4 LEIF ERICSON Perhaps the most famous Viking was a son of Eric the Red. His name was Leif. Since he was the second son, he wasn't given land to farm from his father. Family farms went to the oldest sons. Leif wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his life. He decided to sail to Norway to look for work. While in Norway, Leif heard a strange story. A trader said his ship had been caught in a bad storm. He had been blown far off his course. While trying to find h


Perhaps the most famous Viking was a son of Eric the Red. His name was Leif.Since he was the second son, he wasn't given land to farm from his father.Family farms went to the oldest sons.Leif wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his life.He decided to sail to Norway to look for work.

While in Norway, Leif heard a strange story.A trader said his ship had been caught in a bad storm.He had been blown far off his course.While trying to find his way back home, he got lost.He saw a coast that wasn't on his map.He didn't know exactly where he had been.But the trader described the coast clearly.
Leif Ericson bought the man's ship.He and a small crew sailed to find this mysterious coast.One day, they saw a place that looked like the coast the man talked about.They found vines with fruit growing there, so they called the place Vinland.Today, no one knows exactly where Vinland was.But archaeologists have discovered a small Viking outpost in Newfoundland, Canada, that was settled at about this time.