Alien Swag
Alien Swag Alien Swag Harry glanced at the clock beside his bed. It was five minutes to eight o'clock. His stomach made a strange rumbling noise. He turned over in bed and cuddled his cat, Freddy. "Freddy, I'm starving," he grumbled. "I should have eaten more of my tea." He pulled a face. "But I couldn't. It was all covered in disgusting, smelly cabbage. Yuk! It looked like green sludge and I…" Suddenly Harry stopped. He could hear a strange noise. It sounded like someone humming. It wa
Alien Swag

Alien Swag

Harry glanced at the clock beside his bed.It was five minutes to eight o'clock.His stomach made a strange rumbling noise.He turned over in bed and cuddled his cat, Freddy.
"Freddy, I'm starving," he grumbled."I should have eaten more of my tea."He pulled a face. "But I couldn't.It was all covered in disgusting, smelly cabbage.Yuk! It looked like green sludge and I…"
Suddenly Harry stopped. He could hear a strange noise.It sounded like someone humming.It was coming from outside.He turned to look at the window.
"What was that, Freddy?" He frowned."It wasn't my stomach, that's for sure!"He climbed out of bed, still holding his cat, and went over to the window.The humming noise came again.It was definitely coming from outside.
"It sounds as if ifs right outside the window," he whispered to Freddy, clutching him tightly.
Harry pulled back the curtain, peered out of the window and whistled in shock.There was something outside.It was spinning and hovering in the air.
"I don't believe it," whispered Harry."It's…, it's...., it's a flying saucer!"
Suddenly the humming noise stopped.The flying saucer stopped spinning.It glided smoothly towards the window.
A ladder came out the strange craft.It poked out like a steel tongue until it reached the window ledge.Harry held his breath expectantly.A door opened in the side of the shining saucer.A peculiar-looking head popped out of the door.
"It's an alien," gasped Harry. The alien waved.
"Hello, Harry," burbled the alien."Can I come into your bedroom, please?"
Harry nodded. "OK."He wanted to ask it how it knew his name, but he felt a bit dazed.
"Thank you". The alien stepped confidently out onto the ladder.Then it whooshed over to the window ledge."Watch out" it burbled, with a grin.
Harry stood back from the window.The alien lifted up its arm and touched one of the red buttons on its laser wristband.The pane of glass in the window began to glow.
The alien quickly stepped through the glowing glass.Harry stared at the glass. "That was amazing!"
The alien touched the red button once again.The glass pane stopped glowing.
The alien shrugged. "It's nothing." Then it smiled."By the way, my name is Zeto."Zeto the alien held out a hand.Harry went to shake it. Zeto pulled a face.
"There's no need to be rude!" snapped Zeto."I was only going to shake your hand," replied Harry.Zeto shuddered. "How disgusting.Where I come from we don't do things like that.We do this." Zeto took hold of Harry's ear and tugged it gently."Now we have to change places," Zeto announced."What?" asked Harry. "It's my homework," replied Zeto.
Zeto took out another laser wristband and placed it around Harry's wrist.
"I have to swap places with a human" said the alien."I have to see what things they get up to on Earth, and you are off to the alien planet.""What? How long for?" asked Harry. "One week" replied Zeto.
"What if I don't want to swap places?" asked Harry.
"It's too late for that," Zeto grinned.
"Zod is expecting you and I've pressed the green button.Look in the mirror!"
"Oh, no!" He had turned into an alien.He looked just like Zeto."I look really weird," he cried. "I'm Harry the alien!"
"You don't look as weird as I do," snapped Zeto."Look what has happened to me."
With that, Zeto the human pressed the red button on his wristband.The window pane began to glow again.Harry felt himself being pushed onto the window ledge.Like it or not, he was going to the alien planet!
"You won't be needing this" said Zeto.He took Freddy arm Harry's arms."Where I come from they use cats to scare badly-behaved children."
Harry clambered into the flying saucer.The door closed behind him with a hiss and he sat down.A computer screen in front of him flashed up:
Destination: Alien Planet Enjoy your trip!
"Yeah, thanks!" muttered Harry as it set off.
The flying saucer flew past the moon and the stars.But it kept on going. It flew deep into space.Harry meanwhile was deep in thought,wondering what surprises were in store on the alien planet.