Chapter 2 Sister Sun and Brother Moon: A Maidu Legend
Chapter 2 Sister Sun and Brother Moon: A Maidu Legend Chapter 2 Sister Sun and Brother Moon: A Maidu Legend A long, long time ago, before people roamed Earth, the Sun and the Moon were sister and brother. They did not live in the sky. They lived inside the huge, hollow rocks of the great Rock House high on the hilltop. Sister Sun did not shine in the daytime sky as she does now. Brother Moon did not light up the night sky. Their light was just as bright as we know it today, but no one could see
Chapter 2 Sister Sun and Brother Moon: A Maidu Legend

Chapter 2 Sister Sun and Brother Moon: A Maidu Legend

A long, long time ago, before people roamed Earth, the Sun and the Moon were sister and brother.They did not live in the sky.They lived inside the huge, hollow rocks of the great Rock House high on the hilltop.
Sister Sun did not shine in the daytime sky as she does now.Brother Moon did not light up the night sky.Their light was just as bright as we know it today, but no one could see it.This was because their light was trapped inside the hollow rock.And these rocks were inside Rock House, a house of solid stone.What's more, Sister Sun and Brother Moon kept to themselves.They never received any visitors, and they never left the house.