Chapter 2 Help From a Friend
Chapter 2 Help From a Friend Chapter 2 Help From a Friend The wife told the fisherman to go to the well in their garden. The well was near a crooked tree. "Look down into the well and say, 'Oh This Friend, That Friend sends her greetings. She begs for a spindle that she may have lost. We need it to make a beautiful carpet.'" The fisherman did not think his wife's plan would work, but he had no other ideas. So, he went to the well and said, "Oh This Friend, That Friend sends her greetings. She
Chapter 2 Help From a Friend

Chapter 2 Help From a Friend
The wife told the fisherman to go to the well in their garden. The well was near a crooked tree."Look down into the well and say, 'Oh This Friend, That Friend sends her greetings.She begs for a spindle that she may have lost.We need it to make a beautiful carpet.'"
The fisherman did not think his wife's plan would work, but he had no other ideas.So, he went to the well and said, "Oh This Friend, That Friend sends her greetings.She begs for a spindle that she may have lost.We need it to make a beautiful carpet."
A voice from the well answered. "I would never say no to That Friend.Take the spindle, but return it when you are finished."Suddenly, a spindle with a thread flew up from the well.The shocked fisherman caught the spindle.