EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! Chapter 1 Fluffy the Alligator Susan and Emma's parents were packing the car for an overnight trip. "I'm sorry we can't take you kids along this time," their mother told them. "I'm sure you'll be fine with Aunt Claire. At least I think you will." "Don't be silly," said their father. "Your sister is highly capable. What could go wrong?" Before anyone could answer his question, Aunt Claire's car turned into the driveway. She scrambled out. "I hope I'm not late," she sa


Chapter 1 Fluffy the Alligator
Susan and Emma's parents were packing the car for an overnight trip."I'm sorry we can't take you kids along this time," their mother told them."I'm sure you'll be fine with Aunt Claire. At least I think you will."
"Don't be silly," said their father."Your sister is highly capable. What could go wrong?"
Before anyone could answer his question, Aunt Claire's car turned into the driveway.She scrambled out. "I hope I'm not late," she said."I had an important project downtown, and I just lost track of the time."
"You could try wearing a watch," her sister said.