The New Hometown
The New Hometown The New Hometown Chapter 1 Going Exploring "Come on, lazy bones! What are you doing inside on this beautiful day?" Mom said, as she walked into Nicky's room. Nicky was lying on her bed, turning the pages of a magazine. She looked up and sighed unhappily. "What's there to do?" she asked. "Let's hop in the car and go explore our new town," said Mom. She watched as Nicky rolled slowly off the bed. Then they both headed downstairs. "I can't believe we have to drive every tim
The New Hometown

The New Hometown

Chapter 1 Going Exploring

"Come on, lazy bones! What are you doing inside on this beautiful day?"Mom said, as she walked into Nicky's room.
Nicky was lying on her bed, turning the pages of a magazine.She looked up and sighed unhappily. "What's there to do?" she asked.
"Let's hop in the car and go explore our new town," said Mom.She watched as Nicky rolled slowly off the bed.Then they both headed downstairs."I can't believe we have to drive every time we want to buy something!" Nicky said."I used to be able to walk to all the stores by myself!"Mom nodded her head a little sadly."I know this is very different from living in the city.It will take awhile for us to get used to being in a new place, but maybe this little town will surprise us."
Chapter 2 Seeing the Sights

"Well there's one thing that's the same in cities and small towns," said Mom, getting out of the car."Parking meters!" She fumbled in her purse for some coins and handed them to Nicky to put into the meter.
The first store they came to sold fruits and vegetables. Inside, there was a salad bar.At the back of the store a man was making sandwiches.Nicky thought of a little store in her old neighborhood.
Nicky walked a little closer to the counter where the sandwich man was busy wiping down the meat slicer.When he saw Nicky, he asked, "Can I get you something?""No thanks," said Nicky. For some reason, Nicky felt disappointed.She walked slowly over to where her mother was paying for the peppers.
Chapter 3 Stopping for Lunch

"How about something to eat?" Mom asked, as they headed down the street."There's a sandwich shop right here."
Nicky trudged slowly into the restaurant and sat down in a corner booth.When the waitress asked for her order, Nicky spoke quietly, without smiling.As the waitress walked away, Mom looked at Nicky for a long moment."What's wrong?" she asked finally.
Nicky took a little sip of her water.She moved the tip of her fork over her napkin.Nicky wanted to explain that she was feeling nervous.She just hoped it wasn't going to sound like nonsense to her mother.
"I just wish we hadn't moved," she said."I know it's supposed to be a nice place, but it doesn't feel like home. I don't want to live here."
Mom touched one of Nicky's hands."This is very hard for you," she said, "but I promise it's going to get better. You have to trust me on this."
When they were done eating, Mom went to the cashier's counter to pay the bill.Nicky stood near the door looking at a crowded notice board.