Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Princess Jane stuck out her lip and had a good sulk. She had just finished her sulk when there was a knock on the castle door. Princess Jane opened the door. There stood three figures in masks. 'We are the Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om,' said one. 'We were sent by your father, King Harry,' said another. 'That was quick,' said Princess Jane. 'Where is my father?' 'Chasing dragons,' said the third masked figure. 'Why are you masked?' asked Princess Jane. 'We ha
Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Princess Jane stuck out her lip and had a good sulk.
She had just finished her sulk when there was a knock on the castle door.
Princess Jane opened the door. There stood three figures in masks.
'We are the Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om,' said one.
'We were sent by your father, King Harry,' said another.
'That was quick,' said Princess Jane. 'Where is my father?'
'Chasing dragons,' said the third masked figure.
'Why are you masked?' asked Princess Jane.
'We have to protect ourselves from the dust,' said one. 'Can we start?'
All day the Masked Cleaning Ladies scrubbed, dusted, washed, and polished.By evening, the castle sparkled.
'Now that the castle is clean you can take off your masks,' said Princess Jane.
'Oh, no,' said one. 'We can't do that.' 'Why not?' demanded Princess Jane.
'Er, er,' said another. 'If we take off our masks we won't be the Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om.'