Ocean Adventure!
Ocean Adventure! Ocean Adventure! Introduction More than 100 years ago a man called Joshua Slocum had a ship called the Spray. He wanted to be the first person to sail all the way around the world on his own! This is the story of what happened to him. This map shows where Joshua Slocum sailed on his trip around the world. North America; South America; Africa; Europe; Asia; Australia Chapter 1 The Spray Joshua Slocum loved sailing. He sailed in fishing boats and steamships and tal
Ocean Adventure!

Ocean Adventure!

More than 100 years ago a man called Joshua Slocum had a ship called the Spray.
He wanted to be the first person to sail all the way around the world on his own!
This is the story of what happened to him.
This map shows where Joshua Slocum sailed on his trip around the world.North America; South America; Africa; Europe; Asia; Australia
Chapter 1 The Spray

Joshua Slocum loved sailing.
He sailed in fishing boats and steamships and tall sailing ships.But he wanted to do something different.
"I'll give you a ship," an old sailor said, "if you can fix her!"
The ship was called the Spray.
"She's a wreck!" said Captain Slocum. "But I'll make her like new again."
When he had finished, the Spray sat on the water like a swan.
"But what will you do with her?" people asked.
"I'll sail her right around the world on my own," said the Captain.
Chapter 2 Alone

On 24th April 1895 Captain Slocum sailed away from Boston, USA on the Spray.
The land disappeared. One by one the lights winked out.
The wide Atlantic Ocean stretched ahead.
Captain Slocum felt lonely, but then he had an idea. He began to sing.He sang very badly, but porpoises leapt over the waves, and old turtles poked their heads up to listen.
"Now I feel better!" the Captain laughed.
Chapter 3 A Ghostly Sailor

Horta; Azores; Atlantic Ocean; Portugal; Spain; Africa
The Spray came to an island called Horta.
People gave Captain Slocum plums and cheese to eat. Soon his stomach began to ache.
The Captain had a fever and he lay on his bunk.He thought he saw a ghostly sailor steering the Spray!
For three days the Captain was ill. For three days the ghostly sailor steered.
But when the Captain was well again, the sailor had gone.
"I must have been very ill," said Captain Slocum, and he threw the plums into the sea!
Chapter 4 Pirate Trouble

Atlantic Ocean; Gibraltar; Portugal; Spain; Mediterranean Sea; Africa

The Spray sailed into Gibraltar.
"Watch out for pirates," warned a sailor."When you leave, keep well away from land."
Captain Slocum set sail. When he looked back, a boat full of pirates was chasing him.
The Spray sailed fast, but the pirates sailed faster.They were about to strike, when the huge wave crashed down on their boat, and smashed it to pieces!
The Spray and the Captain were safe.
Chapter 5 On the Beach

Captain Slocum sailed along the coast of Brazil, then he made a bad mistake.
He sailed onto a beach by accident. The Spray was stuck!
He put the anchor into his dinghy and rowed out through the crashing waves.
He stood up and threw the anchor.