FOX AT SCHOOL FOX AT SCHOOL FOX ON STAGE Fox wanted a part in the class play. "We must be fair," said Miss Moon. And she put everyone's name into a shoe box. "Let's see who will play the pretty princess," said Miss Moon. She drew out the first name. "The pretty princess will be played by Carmen," said Miss Moon. "Oh, goody!" said Carmen. "And now for the part of the mean dragon," said Miss Moon. Fox held his breath. "The mean dragon will be played by Junior," said Miss Moon.





Fox wanted a part in the class play.

"We must be fair," said Miss Moon.

And she put everyone's name into a shoe box.

"Let's see who will play the pretty princess," said Miss Moon.

She drew out the first name.

"The pretty princess will be played by Carmen," said Miss Moon. "Oh, goody!" said Carmen.

"And now for the part of the mean dragon," said Miss Moon. Fox held his breath.

"The mean dragon will be played by Junior," said Miss Moon.

"I'll do my best," said Junior.

"And now for the part of the handsome prince," said Miss Moon. Fox bit his nails.

"That part goes to Fox," said Miss Moon.

"Hot dog!" said Fox. "Rats," said Dexter.

"Everyone else will play flowers and trees," said Miss Moon.

"Gosh," said Fox. "The handsome prince!"

"Now, now," said Miss Moon. "It is a hard part.

You must learn it by heart." "Don't worry," said Fox.

That night Fox could not sleep. He was thinking about the play.

"I'll be great!" he said. "The girls will follow me around!"

"Fox is acting funny," said Louise the next morning.

"So I see," said Mom. "You may bow," said Fox.

"Do you know your part?" said Louise.

"There's nothing to it," said Fox.

At recess Junior and Carmen worked on their parts.

"Come on, Fox," they said. But Fox was busy.

"I will be a big hit," he told the girls.

The next day at play practice Carmen and Junior were very nervous.

"I may throw up," said Carmen. "Calm down," said Fox.

"Is everybody ready?" said Miss Moon. "Curtain going up!"

"Here I am, all alone in the forest," said the pretty princess.

"Ah-ha!" cried the mean dragon. "I am going to eat you up!"

"Help! Help! Who will save me?" cried the pretty princess.

Everyone looked at Fox. But Fox just stood there.

"Who will save me?" cried the pretty princess again.

And everyone looked at Fox. "Uh," said Fox.

Miss Moon was very cross.

"You did not study your part!" she said to Fox.

"You are not serious about this play."

"Miss Moon, Miss Moon," said Dexter.

"I know the part of the handsome prince. And I know it by heart!"

"Really, Dexter?" said Miss Moon.

The night of the play everyone was excited.

"I hope I don't throw up," said Carmen.

"I hope I don't forget my lines," said Junior.

But no one forgot. Carmen was very pretty as the princess.

Junior made a fine dragon.

Dexter was very good as the handsome prince. And Fox...

"You were the best tree in the whole play," said Louise.

"Just wait until next year," said Fox.


DING! DING! DING! "Fire drill!" cried Dexter.

"Oh, goody," said Carmen. "Oh, no," said Fox.
