Safe in the Storm
Safe in the Storm Safe in the Storm CHARTER 1 The Hike "What are your plans for today?" Mr. Sanchez asked his son Carlo. "I'm hiking with my nature club," Carlo said. "We're going to Turtle Lake in the state park. Jimmy's father, Mr. Gordon, is going with us." "It's cold today," Mrs. Sanchez said. "Please take your warmest jacket and your gloves." "I'll get your blue jacket from the storage box upstairs in the attic," Mr. Sanchez said. "Then I'll drive you to meet your friends." Mr.
Safe in the Storm

Safe in the Storm

CHARTER 1 The Hike

"What are your plans for today?" Mr. Sanchez asked his son Carlo.
"I'm hiking with my nature club," Carlo said."We're going to Turtle Lake in the state park.Jimmy's father, Mr. Gordon, is going with us."
"It's cold today," Mrs. Sanchez said."Please take your warmest jacket and your gloves."
"I'll get your blue jacket from the storage box upstairs in the attic," Mr. Sanchez said."Then I'll drive you to meet your friends."
Mr. Sanchez drove Carlo to meet the nature club.Mr. Gordon, Jimmy, Julie, and Tyrone were already there.
Mr. Gordon drove all of them to the state park.
At the state park entrance, Mr. Gordon checked his compass."We have to walk west to the trail," he said.
"We'll hike on the trail to the lake," Mr. Gordon said."Let's stay together. We don't want anyone to get separated from the group."They went into the pine forest.
"Pine trees stay green all winter," Mr. Gordon said."Also, they saved settlers who came to the United States a long time ago.The Native Americans taught the settlers how to make tea from pine needles.This tea kept the settlers from getting a disease called scurvy."
They had been hiking for an hour.Then Jimmy pointed to something he saw ahead."Look!" he said. "A roof has fallen on the trail!Maybe a house was ruined in a storm."
Mr. Gordon laughed. "That's a lean-to," he said. "We'll stop there to rest."The group sat down on a bench in front of the lean-to.
"The lean-to is a good shelter in a summer storm," Mr. Gordon said."But it doesn't give much protection from the cold."
Then the wind started to blow. "It's getting colder," said Tyrone.
"Yes," said Carlo. "It's colder now. The clouds have covered the sun."
"We'll stay warm by walking," Mr. Gordon said.
They started walking on the trail again. A few snowflakes started to fall.
"It's snowing," Jimmy said. "Maybe we should go back."
"I think we should keep going," Julie said with determination.
A few minutes later, the snow began to come down harder.