Henry and Mudge The First Book of Their Adventures
Henry and Mudge The First Book of Their Adventures Henry and Mudge The First Book of Their Adventures Henry Henry had no brothers and no sisters. "I want a brother," he told his parents. "Sorry," they said. Henry had no friends on his street. "I want to live on a different street," he told his parents. "Sorry," they said. Henry had no pets at home. "I want to have a dog, he told his parents. "Sorry," they almost said. But first they looked at their house with no brothers and si
Henry and Mudge The First Book of Their Adventures

Henry and Mudge The First Book of Their Adventures

Henry had no brothers and no sisters.
"I want a brother," he told his parents.
"Sorry," they said. Henry had no friends on his street.
"I want to live on a different street," he told his parents.
"Sorry," they said. Henry had no pets at home.
"I want to have a dog, he told his parents.
"Sorry," they almost said.
But first they looked at their house with no brothers and sisters.
Then they looked at their street with no children.
Then they looked at Henry's face.
Then they looked at each other. "Okay," they said.
"I want to hug you." Henry told his parents. And he did.
Henry searched for a dog.
"Not just any dog," said Henry.
"Not a short one," he said.
"Not a curly one," he said. "And no pointed ears."
Then he found Mudge.
Mudge had floppy ears, not pointed.
And Mudge had straight fur, not curly.
But Mudge was short.
"Because he was a puppy," Henry said. "He'll grow.”
And did he ever!
He grew out of his puppy cage.
He grew out of his dog cage.
He grew out of seven collars in a row.
And when he finally stopped growing . . .
he weighed one hundred eighty pounds,
he stood three feet tall, and he drooled.
"I'm glad you're not short," Henry said.
And Mudge licked him, then sat on him.
Henry used to walk to school alone.
When he walked he used to worry about
tornadoes, ghosts, biting dogs, and bullies.
He walked as fast as he could.
He looked straight ahead.
He never looked back.
But now he walked to school with Mudge.
And now when he walked, he thought about
vanilla ice cream, rain, rocks, and good dreams.
He walked to school but not too fast.
He walked to school and sometimes backward.
He walked to school and patted Mudge's big head, happy.
Mudge loved Henry's room.
He loved the dirty socks.
He loved the stuffed bear.
He loved the fish tank.
But mostly he loved Henry's bed.
Because in Henry's bed was Henry.
Mudge loved to climb in with Henry.
Then he loved to smell him.
He smelled his lemon hair.
He smelled his milky mouth.
He smelled his soapy ears.
He smelled his chocolate fingers.