Henry and Mudge in the Green Time
Henry and Mudge in the Green Time Henry and Mudge in the Green Time The Picnic In the summer, Henry and his big dog Mudge liked to go on picnics. Henry packed the food. He packed jelly sandwiches, pears, and gingersnaps for himself. He packed dry dog food and popcorn for Mudge. They both drank water. One Sunday they went to the park for a picnic. Henry put all the food on a picnic table, while Mudge chased some ants under a tree. Mudge was so big that his tail went WHACK! every ti
Henry and Mudge in the Green Time

Henry and Mudge in the Green Time

The Picnic
In the summer, Henry and his big dog Mudge liked to go on picnics.
Henry packed the food.
He packed jelly sandwiches, pears, and gingersnaps for himself.
He packed dry dog food and popcorn for Mudge. They both drank water.
One Sunday they went to the park for a picnic.
Henry put all the food on a picnic table, while Mudge chased some ants under a tree.
Mudge was so big that his tail went WHACK! every time he ran around the tree.
Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Henry laughed at him.
Soon they began eating.
Henry chewed his jelly sandwich while he threw pieces of popcorn into Mudge's mouth.
Mudge always liked dessert first on picnics.
While they were eating, a yellow bee landed on Henry's pear.
Henry didn't see the bee. Henry picked up his pear.
“Ow!” Henry cried, Mudge jumped.
The bee flew away. “Ow! Ow! Ow!” Henry cried.
He shook his hand again and again and again.
But his hand hurt more and more. It hurt a lot.
Tears came to Henry's eyes. His hand hurt so much.
It had a puffy white circle on it.
Henry just had to cry.
He sat down beside Mudge and held on to his hurting hand and cried.
Mudge sniffed Henry's hair. Mudge sniffed Henry's hand.
Mudge put his big nose in Henry's ear. But Henry kept crying.
Then Mudge licked Henry's face.
Mudge liked the taste. It was salty.
So Mudge licked Henry's face again and again and again.
Every tear that Henry cried Mudge licked away.
Henry cried, Mudge licked, and the hand hurt.
But in a while, the hand stopped hurting, Henry stopped crying, and Mudge stopped licking.
Henry looked at Mudge and smiled.
Henry picked up a gingersnap.
He took one bite and gave Mudge the rest.
“Thanks,” said Henry.
Mudge wagged his tail and waited for another cookie.
The Bath
On hot days Henry liked to give Mudge a bath.
Henry liked it because he could play with the water hose and because he could cool off.
Mudge hated it. Mudge knew when he was going to get a bath.
He would see Henry looking for the dog shampoo.
And when he saw Henry hooking up the water hose, he tried to hide under the steps.