Chapter 3 The Kittens
Chapter 3 The Kittens Chapter 3 The Kittens In May the cat who lived next door to Henry and Mudge had a litter of kittens. There were five kittens. One was orange. One was gray. One was black and white. And two were all black. The kittens sometimes stayed in a box in their front yard to get some sun while the mother cat rested. One day Henry and Mudge peeked in the box. They saw tiny little kitten faces and tiny little kitten paws and heard tiny little kitten meows. Mudge sniffed and
Chapter 3 The Kittens

Chapter 3 The Kittens

In May the cat who lived next door to Henry and Mudge had a litter of kittens.
There were five kittens. One was orange. One was gray.
One was black and white. And two were all black.
The kittens sometimes stayed in a box in their front yard to get some sun while the mother cat rested.
One day Henry and Mudge peeked in the box.
They saw tiny little kitten faces and tiny little kitten paws and heard tiny little kitten meows.
Mudge sniffed and sniffed and sniffed.
He wagged his tail and sneezed and sniffed some more.
Then he put his big head into the box and with his big tongue he licked all five kittens.
Henry laughed. “Do you want some kittens of your own?” he asked Mudge.
Mudge grunted and wagged his tail again.
Whenever the kittens were in their front yard, Henry and Mudge visited the box.
Henry loved their little noses.
And he had even given them names.
He called the Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
Henry loved planets, too.