HENRY AND MUDGE AND THE Wild Wind HENRY AND MUDGE AND THE Wild Wind Some Wind Henry and Henry's big dog Mudge were playing outside one hot summer day. Suddenly the wind blew so hard that it blew Henry's hat away. "Wow," said Henry. "Some wind." Whoosh! Mudge's fur rippled. His ears flapped. His eyes got all wet. "Must be a thunderstorm coming," said Henry. "Uh-oh." Henry didn't like thunderstorms. They made him jumpy. But they made Mudge even jumpier. Every time a storm came, M


Some Wind
Henry and Henry's big dog Mudge were playing outside one hot summer day.
Suddenly the wind blew so hard that it blew Henry's hat away.
"Wow," said Henry. "Some wind." Whoosh!
Mudge's fur rippled. His ears flapped. His eyes got all wet.
"Must be a thunderstorm coming," said Henry. "Uh-oh."
Henry didn't like thunderstorms. They made him jumpy.
But they made Mudge even jumpier.
Every time a storm came, Mudge did strange things.
He whined. He walked around the kitchen table about a hundred times.
He sat in the bathroom alone.
He put his head between the couch cushions.
The only jumpy thing Henry did was whistle a lot.
Lightning would crash and thunder would boom and Henry would whistle.
He whistled "Jingle Bells." He whistled "Happy Birthday."
He even whistled "The Star-Spangled Banner" (not very well).
Henry knew what to do when the wild wind started.
"Come on, Mudge," he said as he headed for the house.
All at once the wind blew open the screen door. Crash!
Whistling and whining like crazy, Henry and Mudge ran inside.
Pows and Booms
The sky turned very dark. Henry's mother turned on the lights.
Henry's father shut all the windows.
Henry and Mudge sat on the couch, waiting.
Splat! Sploop! The rain began.
Then pow! went the lightning. Boom! went the thunder.
Mudge went to sit in the bathroom.
"Mudge!" Henry called. Mudge wouldn't come back.
"Chicken," Henry grumbled.
He started whistling "Jingle Bells," but he missed Mudge.
Henry went to the bathroom door. He looked at Mudge.
Mudge looked at him. Pow! went the lightning.
"Come on, Mudge," said Henry. "Let's go in the kitchen.''
Mudge wagged his tail a little. He followed Henry into the kitchen.
Henry's mother and Henry's father were having cups of tea at the table.
Boom! Mudge began to walk around the table in a circle.
Henry began to whistle.
"Want some cocoa?" Henry's mother asked.
"Sure," said Henry. Pow! went the lightning.
Henry whistled "The Star-Spangled Banner" while Mudge went around the table for the tenth time.
Henry's father and Henry's mother just looked at each other.