Chapter 2 How Uncle Rabbit Tricked Uncle Jaguar
Chapter 2 How Uncle Rabbit Tricked Uncle Jaguar Chapter 2 How Uncle Rabbit Tricked Uncle Jaguar Uncle Rabbit in Latin America is called Tio Conejo. This tale is about him and a jaguar called Uncle Jaguar. Nothing amused Uncle Rabbit more than playing tricks on his friends. He especially liked to trick Uncle Jaguar since the animal was so serious. He was also a bit vain about his sleek coat and long, graceful tail. One day Uncle Rabbit was eating a piece of fruit. Uncle Jaguar came along and
Chapter 2 How Uncle Rabbit Tricked Uncle Jaguar

Chapter 2 How Uncle Rabbit Tricked Uncle Jaguar

Uncle Rabbit in Latin America is called Tio Conejo.This tale is about him and a jaguar called Uncle Jaguar.
Nothing amused Uncle Rabbit more than playing tricks on his friends.He especially liked to trick Uncle Jaguar since the animal was so serious.He was also a bit vain about his sleek coat and long, graceful tail.
One day Uncle Rabbit was eating a piece of fruit.Uncle Jaguar came along and asked him what he was doing.As he spoke, Uncle Jaguar waved his tail about, showing it off.That tail gave Uncle Rabbit an idea for a joke.He replied to Uncle Jaguar's question by saying: "I am eating my fluffy little tail."
Uncle Jaguar was surprised. "Is that wise?" he said.
"Take a taste," Uncle Rabbit offered. He handed Jaguar a piece of the fruit.
"It's very good," Uncle Jaguar said. "I still wonder if it is healthy to eat one's own tail."
"Yes, it is. But there is a secret to it," Uncle Rabbit insisted.
Jaguar came closer, very interested. "Tell me, please."
"First you must promise never to reveal the secret," Uncle Rabbit insisted.
"Do not worry, my friend. You have my promise," Uncle Jaguar said.
"Come closer," Uncle Rabbit instructed."Turn around three times, jump up and down, and wiggle your ears to seal the promise."
While Uncle Jaguar did this, Uncle Rabbit turned away to laugh softly to himself.
"All right, here is the secret. If you prepare a tail just right, it tastes yummy.It will also grow back even longer and more beautiful than it was before," Uncle Rabbit told him.
"Will you show me how?" he asked.
"I'll do it for you," Uncle Rabbit offered.He moved behind the jaguar and began twisting and tying knots in the cat's long tail.