Chapter 3 Flood!
Chapter 3 Flood! Chapter 3 Flood! As Juliette moved the last of the dining room chairs upstairs, she looked out the window. The water flowing down the street had risen to the tops of the tires of people's cars. Suddenly Juliette thought of her Uncle Henri - Papa's brother from Haiti— who had recently come to Texas to work with Papa at the produce store. "Papa, do you think Uncle Henri is OK?" she called downstairs. "He's all alone." "That's good thinking, Juliette," Papa replied. "I'll call hi
Chapter 3 Flood!

Chapter 3 Flood!
As Juliette moved the last of the dining room chairs upstairs, she looked out the window.The water flowing down the street had risen to the tops of the tires of people's cars.Suddenly Juliette thought of her Uncle Henri - Papa's brother from Haiti—who had recently come to Texas to work with Papa at the produce store."Papa, do you think Uncle Henri is OK?" she called downstairs. "He's all alone."
"That's good thinking, Juliette," Papa replied."I'll call him to make sure he's all right."