Chapter 3 Sunday, February 16, continued
Chapter 3 Sunday, February 16, continued Chapter 3 Sunday, February 16, continued Dear Diary, I had to stop writing earlier because the trip to the ice cream store was so horrible that I needed a break! My nightmare continued because the kids all sat together at one table and the adults sat at another. So there I was, between Omar and Carlos, facing the girls. Daisy and Lucila split a sundae, telling the waiter, "We want two spoons!" while I had a single scoop of vanilla in a cup, even though I ha
Chapter 3 Sunday, February 16, continued

Chapter 3 Sunday, February 16, continued

Dear Diary, I had to stop writing earlier because the trip to the ice cream store was so horrible that I needed a break!My nightmare continued because the kids all sat together at one table and the adults sat at another.So there I was, between Omar and Carlos, facing the girls.Daisy and Lucila split a sundae, telling the waiter, "We want two spoons!"while I had a single scoop of vanilla in a cup, even though I had asked for a cone.
Worse yet, Omar got bubble gum ice cream and dropped four sticky pieces of blue gum on my new shirt.And Carlos's gooey banana split melted everywhere, and he piled all his sticky napkins in front of me.This had to be the most terrible, awful, embarrassing day of my life!It was bad enough that I wasn't talking to my friends, but then my brothers were messing up everything!I kept looking at Mom, wondering how much longer this "party" would last.My eyes felt like water balloons ready to burst, but I couldn't cry in front of everyone. Dora
Monday, February 17

Dear Diary, Last night, Mom said that I was not acting like myself and that I should talk to her about it.I knew she was concerned because she wanted me to tell her the whole problem, from beginning to end.She listened patiently while I told her that Lucila was trying to take Daisy away from me by showing off.I also told her that Daisy seems to like Lucila better now and only wants to spend time with her.
Mom asked what made me so sure Lucila's been trying to show off.So I told her about Lucila's soccer goals, her secret study session with Daisy, and her perfect math test score.Mom reminded me of all the good times we had together and asked if I was really willing to give all that up.
Then my mother gave me the best advice: "Dora, good friends are priceless." Dora
Tuesday, February 18

Dear Diary, I thought a lot about what Mom said and decided she was right: Good friends are hard to find.I couldn't imagine not having my friends anymore, so I decided that today I would make up with Daisy and Lucila.I was waiting until recess to talk to them, but something happened before then that changed my mind.During our reading time, I noticed that Daisy and Lucila were wearing matching friendship bracelets.Can you believe that?Friendship bracelets are the most meaningful sign of good friends that there is ... and I don't have one!
Now I know for sure that I've lost Daisy and things will never be the same again.If it weren't for Nath sitting with me at lunch, I would have started crying.He said that I shouldn't worry and that Daisy and I would be friends again somehow.I just wondered if Daisy and Lucila would be wearing matching outfits tomorrow.Every day they seem closer to each other and further away from me. Dora
Wednesday, February 19