Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Next morning Mum's cold was much better. 'That's because of Mrs Willow's secret family cure,' Trudy said. 'It tastes horrible,' said Mum. 'But it seems to work.' Trudy was glad the cold cure had worked. It proved that Mrs Willow knew what she was talking about. And if the cold cure worked, then the swan cure might work as well. She couldn't wait to try it out. On the way to school she tried thinking herself a swan. She glided on to the bus and sat down slowly. She d
Chapter 4

Chapter 4
Next morning Mum's cold was much better.'That's because of Mrs Willow's secret family cure,' Trudy said.
'It tastes horrible,' said Mum. 'But it seems to work.'
Trudy was glad the cold cure had worked.It proved that Mrs Willow knew what she was talking about.And if the cold cure worked, then the swan cure might work as well. She couldn't wait to try it out.
On the way to school she tried thinking herself a swan.
She glided on to the bus and sat down slowly.She didn't trip over anyone's feet. She didn't knock anyone's hat off.
When the bus stopped, she rose slowly from her seat.
She stepped on to the pavement.
It was surprising how different she felt, so tall and graceful.
In the school playground some children stood looking up into the chestnut tree.
'Look out, here comes Trouble!' called Rob Mason when he saw her.
Trudy pretended not to hear him. She saw that Lisa Gibbs was in tears. 'What's the matter?' she asked.
'It's Lisa's kite,' said Rob. 'It's got stuck up the tree.'
'Rob did it,' Lisa said, wiping her eyes. 'He let go and it flew up into the tree.'
Rob looked a bit ashamed of himself. 'Stupid old kite.' he muttered.
'It's a beautiful kite!' said Lisa. 'I got it for my birthday.It was my best present.' She began to sob again.
'Don't cry,' Trudy said kindly. 'I'll get it down for you. I'm good at climbing trees.'
Lisa looked horrified. 'No, you'll tear it! It's only made of paper.Can't somebody else get it down?'
But nobody else wanted to climb the tree.