Chapter 4 True Friends
Chapter 4 True Friends Chapter 4 True Friends The next day, I decide to wear my white blouse to school and keep my braids in. Sela understood about sandwiches and swimsuits, so I can wait until next week to ask for T-shirts and loose hair. I say hi to Ashleigh and Katelyn, but I sit with Emily and ask if she wants to be partners for the project. "That would be great," she says, smiling, "but I wasn't planning on doing the project on Tonga. That book was for a library display I'm helping with.
Chapter 4 True Friends

Chapter 4 True Friends
The next day, I decide to wear my white blouse to school and keep my braids in.Sela understood about sandwiches and swimsuits, so I can wait until next week to ask for T-shirts and loose hair.
I say hi to Ashleigh and Katelyn, but I sit with Emily and ask if she wants to be partners for the project.
"That would be great," she says, smiling, "but I wasn't planning on doing the project on Tonga.That book was for a library display I'm helping with. I want to do Antarctica."
"Antarctica - awesome!" I say. "Did you know that Tonga's whales migrate from there?"
"Yes, I did, actually," says Emily. "I'm kind of a bookworm."
"That's what Miss Tait called me yesterday," I say. "I didn't understand what she meant."
"A bookworm is someone who loves to read," Emily explains.
"That's me, definitely. I even read all about America before I came here."
"That's funny! While you were reading about America,I was probably reading about Tonga and dreaming of swimming with whales," says Emily.
"And now we can both dream about Antarctica.But let's save the whale swim for Tongan waters because they're much warmer!"