CHAPTER 5 A Pair of Eyes

CHAPTER 5 A Pair of Eyes CHAPTER 5 A Pair of Eyes In the dead of night, the valley was cold and still. The heat of the day had vanished completely, replaced by a dry chill. Several miles away, the young waterboy had been tucked up in his bed for hours. He would have kicked himself if he'd known what he was missing. Down the stone steps of the tomb, along the long, echoing corridor went the three explorers. Each carried a brightly shining flashlight which threw a wide beam across the walls. The


CHAPTER 5 A Pair of Eyes

CHAPTER 5 A Pair of Eyes

In the dead of night, the valley was cold and still.The heat of the day had vanished completely, replaced by a dry chill.Several miles away, the young waterboy had been tucked up in his bed for hours.He would have kicked himself if he'd known what he was missing.

Down the stone steps of the tomb, along the long, echoing corridor went the three explorers.Each carried a brightly shining flashlight which threw a wide beam across the walls.The sound of their footsteps seemed unbearably loud.

Carter dug at the wall. Before long, he'd made a gap large enough for them all to crawl through.

The room was about eight metres wide, four metres deep. Its walls were plain stone.Their feet were the first to touch the chamber's floor in thousands of years.Yet there was an oil lamp in one corner, and the clear mark of a fingerprint in the paint on a statue.A withered, dry-as-bone garland of flowers had been placed in front of the doorway they had just broken through.It was as if the tomb had been sealed only yesterday.

"I feel like we shouldn't be here," whispered Lady Evelyn.

They aimed their torches this way and that.There were three huge, gilt couches directly in front of them,surrounded by decorated boxes, carved figures, golden objects of every kind.The horns of a sacred ox sculpture shone out of the darkness.

Plan of Tutankhamun’s tomb

To the left were the broken remains of chariots. Broken by the ancient tomb robbers.In the far corner of the room, beneath one of the couches, was a hole leading into a small annexe chamber.The annexe was a chaotic mess of smashed odds and ends.

"The robbers must have come in much as we did," said Carter, pointing his torch into the annexe."Then they stole everything in this annexe and left, re-sealing the entrance.They must have intended to come back, but something stopped them.Perhaps they were killed for the treasures they'd already taken.Perhaps the location of this tomb was lost for some reason.Either way, it's to our great good fortune."

Suddenly Lady Evelyn gasped. She almost dropped her torch in fright.

To the right hand side of the main chamber was a third seal, blocking off another room.To either side of the seal were tall, black, wooden statues, dressed in gold, facing each other.

"Guardians," whispered Carter. "Guarding what?" breathed Lady Evelyn.

Between the guardians was a richly decorated casket.Carter and Carnarvon lifted it to one side and stood before the third seal.
