CHAPTER FOUR A Return Customer
CHAPTER FOUR A Return Customer CHAPTER FOUR A Return Customer The morning started brilliantly. Three cars came in shortly after we started, but then Jaden and his team got into full swing, and after that, we watched the lines begin across the road. "This is so embarrassing," groaned Tamzin. I had to hand it to Jaden. Setting up next to the gas station had been a smart move. There was no shortage of customers, and there was an area where drivers could get out of the wind while they waited.
CHAPTER FOUR A Return Customer

CHAPTER FOUR A Return Customer
The morning started brilliantly.Three cars came in shortly after we started, but then Jaden and his team got into full swing,and after that, we watched the lines begin across the road.
"This is so embarrassing," groaned Tamzin.
I had to hand it to Jaden. Setting up next to the gas station had been a smart move.There was no shortage of customers, and there was an area where drivers could get out of the wind while they waited.
After lunch, it seemed to get colder, and we were ready to pack up for the day.An icy breeze swept across the lot.We were gathering our gear when the blue SUV from the previous week pulled in.
"Morning, or should I say afternoon?" said the man, looking at his watch. "How's it all going?"
"Awful weather," I said, "and that hasn't helped."
He pulled his collar up against the wind. "I have a proposition for you," he said.The man introduced himself as Mr. Forrest, and he and Tamzin's father shook hands.He explained that he was running a big car fair and had a warehouse full of vehicles that needed cleaning.
"If you guys can do the same job on them as you did on this," he said, leaning against his SUV, "then the job is yours."
We couldn't believe it. "What do you think, Mr. Anton?" I asked Tamzin's dad.
"Sounds like a great idea," he replied.
Mr. Forrest offered us wages of $20 a car,saying we could work over the next two weekends and bring as many helpers as we wanted.
When we told Ms. Garcia on Monday, she was as excited as we were."We'll be able to earn enough money for our instruments in no time!" she said.