Chapter Nine FAREWELL
Chapter Nine FAREWELL Chapter Nine FAREWELL "I think I ought to be getting home," said Elmer the next morning as he ate the last ten tangerines. "How do you feel, Dragon?" "Fine! Why, I could fly to the moon and back." "Good," said Elmer, "because I think today is my father's birthday." He looked at the plates and the pots and the cups and the silverware and the bags of seed spread all over the pine needles and asked, "King, what shall we do with your part of the treasure?" "Dear, dear," sai
Chapter Nine FAREWELL

Chapter Nine FAREWELL

"I think I ought to be getting home," said Elmer the next morning as he ate the last ten tangerines."How do you feel, Dragon?" "Fine! Why, I could fly to the moon and back."
"Good," said Elmer, "because I think today is my father's birthday."He looked at the plates and the pots and the cups and the silverwareand the bags of seed spread all over the pine needles and asked,"King, what shall we do with your part of the treasure?"
"Dear, dear," said the King. "Well, we can plant the seeds,but I guess we ought to put the rest back in the chest.But my gold! I must have my gold!"
"I insist upon at least one silver spoon," cheeped the Queen.
"Then I'll save out the seeds and a spoon and three pieces of gold," suggested Elmer, who was anxious to be off.
"Better make it five pieces of gold," said the King. "I really ought to give one to Flute."
Elmer packed the chest and gave the key back to the King. "Shall we bury it again?" he asked.
"I suppose so," said the King with tears in his eyes."I hate to think of it way down there, but at least it will be safe from robbers.But never mind about putting back the dirt. We can do that ourselves."
So the dragon carefully lowered the chest into the hole while Elmer put away the shovel.Then Elmer packed his knapsack with the three bags of gold and the sterling silver harmonica,carefully wrapping the harmonica in the burlap bag left over from the rescue.