CHAPTER TWO Stormalong Goes to Sea
CHAPTER TWO Stormalong Goes to Sea CHAPTER TWO Stormalong Goes to Sea As Stormy grew older and bigger, he started to feel a little cramped on Cape Cod. Stormy felt hemmed in by all the cute little houses and villages. He needed more space, so he headed up toward Boston, which he knew was a big city. Have you ever been to Boston? Many of its streets used to be cow paths, so they're narrow and twisted. Walking around Boston is like being lost in a maze. In fact, there are some people who got so l
CHAPTER TWO Stormalong Goes to Sea

CHAPTER TWO Stormalong Goes to Sea
As Stormy grew older and bigger, he started to feel a little cramped on Cape Cod.Stormy felt hemmed in by all the cute little houses and villages.He needed more space, so he headed up toward Boston, which he knew was a big city.
Have you ever been to Boston? Many of its streets used to be cow paths, so they're narrow and twisted.Walking around Boston is like being lost in a maze.In fact, there are some people who got so lost that they are still looking for their way out.
The buildings in Boston are so close together that even the grass grows skinny.A big guy like Stormy found only two places with enough room for him to stretch out.One was the Boston Common, but that was usually filled with grazing sheep.The other was the waterfront, where ships arrived from all over the world.
In Boston, Stormy looked out over the harbor and felt his heart swell with joy at the sight of all the ships.Right then and there, he decided to go to sea.