Does It Sink or Float?
Does It Sink or Float? Does It Sink or Float? Some things sink in water. Some things float in water. Will the rock sink or float? Will the paper wad sink or float? The paper wad floats on the water. The rock sinks in the water. Will the cork sink or float? Will the marble sink or float? The cork floats on the water. The marble sinks in the water. Will the golf ball sink or float? Will the coin sink or float? The golf ball sinks in the water. The coin sinks in the
Does It Sink or Float?

Does It Sink or Float?

Some things sink in water.
Some things float in water.
Will the rock sink or float?
Will the paper wad sink or float?
The paper wad floats on the water.
The rock sinks in the water.
Will the cork sink or float?
Will the marble sink or float?
The cork floats on the water.
The marble sinks in the water.