George Catches a Cold
George Catches a Cold George Catches a Cold Today, it is raining a little bit. Peppa, George, Put your rain clothes on. When it rains, Peppa and George must wear their rain clothes. Yuck! George does not like wearing his rain hat. George, you must keep your hat on. Why? Because you must keep dry. Why? Because you might catch a cold. Why? George, do you want to play in the garden? Then keep your hat on. Come on, George. Peppa and George are going to jump in muddy puddles. Yuc
George Catches a Cold

George Catches a Cold

Today, it is raining a little bit.
Peppa, George, Put your rain clothes on.
When it rains, Peppa and George must wear their rain clothes. Yuck!
George does not like wearing his rain hat.
George, you must keep your hat on. Why?
Because you must keep dry. Why?
Because you might catch a cold. Why?
George, do you want to play in the garden? Then keep your hat on.
Come on, George. Peppa and George are going to jump in muddy puddles.
Yuck! George does not want to wear his rain hat.
Peppa, George! Come inside. The rain is too heavy to play out.
Oh, George, where is your hat? Achoo! George has caught a cold. Achoo!
Oh, poor little George! You don't sound well.
Don't worry. I'll ring Doctor Brown Bear.
Doctor Brown Bear speaking.
I see. Put George to bed and I'll be straight round.
Thank you Doctor Brown Bear, Good bye.
Would George be taken to hospital and given medicine?
No, George just has to go to bed.
Oh, so George is not really properly ill.
That’s disgusting!