Joshua and the Tigers
Joshua and the Tigers Joshua and the Tigers Joshua's family loved music. There was always music playing in their house. Everyone was terrific at doing something with music, except Joshua. He wondered why. Joshua's sister played the violin. When she moved the bow over the strings, the warm sound of the violin filled the house. She liked to entertain people when they came to visit. Joshua tried to play the violin. He tucked the violin under his chin and held the bow just like his sister did.
Joshua and the Tigers

Joshua and the Tigers

Joshua's family loved music.There was always music playing in their house.Everyone was terrific at doing something with music, except Joshua.He wondered why.

Joshua's sister played the violin.When she moved the bow over the strings, the warm sound of the violin filled the house.She liked to entertain people when they came to visit.

Joshua tried to play the violin.He tucked the violin under his chin and held the bow just like his sister did.When he rubbed the strings with the bow, it sounded like a screeching seabird.He never entertained people!

Joshua's brother was a dancer.When he moved to the beat of the music, his arms and legs seemed to fly like a kite in the wind.His feet were so light on the floor that they barely seemed to touch it.

Joshua tried to dance like his brother.He stomped to the music and made the floor shake.His steps were so heavy that even the cups in the cupboard shook.