Kate in Space

Kate in Space Kate in Space Take a Trip to The Moon Kate sent in a page to the national Space Ride Contest. Kate filled her page with facts about her life. These facts tracked Kate's love of space. Pete Chase, of Space Ride, called Kate to tell her that she had won! Kate's prize was a trip to the moon! Take-off was at ten! Kate felt brave for taking a ride in space. Kate did not stop thinking about this trip. What did Earth look like from space? Kate could not wait! Kate, Mom, and D


Kate in Space

Kate in Space

Take a Trip to The Moon

Kate sent in a page to the national Space Ride Contest.Kate filled her page with facts about her life.These facts tracked Kate's love of space.Pete Chase, of Space Ride, called Kate to tell her that she had won!

Kate's prize was a trip to the moon!Take-off was at ten!

Kate felt brave for taking a ride in space.Kate did not stop thinking about this trip.What did Earth look like from space?Kate could not wait!

Kate, Mom, and Dad had to ride a plane to a space ship named GATE3.The trip took a long time.

GATE3 landed at dusk.The moon had lots of rocks, hills, and canyons.Kate saw a lot of white huts.These white huts were space bases.
