Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey
Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey Story time Help! Help! Oh! It's a wolf! Mr. Sheep! Please help me! Pull me out. No! You will eat me. I will not eat you. You are a nice sheep. Pull me out, please. Okay. Ha! Ha! I'm out. Now I'll eat you. No. please! Help! Help! Hey! What happened? I helped the wolf. But now he wants to eat me... Do it again! Okay. Okay. Pull me out, Mr. Sheep! No! He is a bad wolf. Oh, I see. Thank you, Mr. Monkey. H
Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey

Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey

Story time
Help! Help!
Oh! It's a wolf!
Mr. Sheep! Please help me! Pull me out.
No! You will eat me.
I will not eat you.You are a nice sheep.
Pull me out, please. Okay.