Pelé Soccer Legend
Pelé Soccer Legend Pelé Soccer Legend Soccer legend Pelé is from Brazil, a country in South America. There were three children in his family. They lived with his parents, his grandmother, and his mom's brother. The family was poor. This didn't stop Pelé from making his dream come true. He wanted to be a top soccer player, and he was. As a child, Pelé helped his uncle sell wood. Pelé also sold peanuts and shined shoes to make money. When he wasn't working, Pelé would play soccer with his ne
Pelé Soccer Legend

Pelé Soccer Legend

Soccer legend Pelé is from Brazil, a country in South America.There were three children in his family.They lived with his parents, his grandmother, and his mom's brother.

The family was poor.This didn't stop Pelé from making his dream come true.He wanted to be a top soccer player, and he was.

As a child, Pelé helped his uncle sell wood.Pelé also sold peanuts and shined shoes to make money.When he wasn't working, Pelé would play soccer with his neighbors.He was a wonderful player.

The neighborhood children played in bare feet.They didn't always have a soccer ball.Sometimes they had to use a can, a grapefruit, a coconut, or rolled up socks.This didn't matter to Pelé though.He said, "Everything is practice."

Pelé's father helped Pelé learn to play soccer.His dad had been a good soccer player.He had to give it up because of a knee problem.Like his dad, Pelé learned to knock the ball into the goal with his head.