The Amazing, Incredible Idea Kit
The Amazing, Incredible Idea Kit The Amazing, Incredible Idea Kit The annual fourth-grade science fair at Washington Elementary School was only one week away. Every day after school, Paul and his twin sister Beatrice brainstormed for an idea. It seemed there was nothing else they could talk about. "I don't have any brilliant ideas yet, do you?" Paul asked Beatrice. "At least not any ideas that might win us first prize!" "Not yet," Beatrice said, "but I'm sure - at least, I hope - we can think o
The Amazing, Incredible Idea Kit

The Amazing, Incredible Idea Kit

The annual fourth-grade science fair at Washington Elementary School was only one week away.Every day after school, Paul and his twin sister Beatrice brainstormed for an idea.It seemed there was nothing else they could talk about."I don't have any brilliant ideas yet, do you?" Paul asked Beatrice."At least not any ideas that might win us first prize!"
"Not yet," Beatrice said, "but I'm sure - at least, I hope - we can think of something!"
Every day after school, the twins went up to their attic workshop.They each had a desk, but they liked stretching out on the floor to do their homework.That afternoon, their mom said, "Try to finish up soon because your grandmother is coming over."
Paul and Beatrice looked forward to their grandmother's visitsbecause Granny Mae always had fascinating stories to tell.Paul and Beatrice especially liked hearing about Granny Mae's life in England, where she was born and raised.She was the most interesting person they had ever met!
Paul and Beatrice ran downstairs.They had finished their homework, but they still didn't have any ideas for the science fair."Maybe Granny can help," Beatrice said.Granny was always willing to help them solve problems.Many times in the past she had told them a story that would help make things clear.They both thought that Granny Mae was a very wise lady.
When the doorbell rang, Paul and Beatrice ran to the door to greet Granny Mae.Granny smiled when she saw how excited they were to see her.
"Granny Mae!" the twins cried. "We're so glad you're here. We really need your help.""Well, kids, you know I'm here to help.
But first, let's have a nice dinner together. And a nice dessert!I brought some of my special - recipe oatmeal cookies!"
Granny Mae was her usual cheerful self at dinner.Paul and Beatrice's mom and dad were happy to see her.Granny Mae told such funny stories about her daily life.Tonight, she told about how her cat had fallen in love with one of her sweaters and curled up to sleep in it!Granny Mae could make even the most ordinary events seem extraordinary.
"What are you reading, Granny Mae?" asked Paul,noticing the thick book with a bright gold cover that Granny Mae had brought.
"A lovely book about the ancient Egyptians.What a strange and wonderful place that must have been!Have you studied Egypt in school?"
Beatrice said, "We learned all about the kings, called pharaohs, and the pyramids.We even learned how to make our own hieroglyphics. That's language in pictures!Now we're studying ancient Greece and Rome.Sometimes I wish I could travel back in time."
"Me, too," said Granny."Wouldn't it be fantastic to be able to learn about other times and other places through first - hand experiences!"
"Can you tell us more of your first-hand experiences from when you were growing up in England, Granny Mae?" asked Paul.
"All right, Paul. What would you like to hear about today?"
"Can you tell us more about the time you worked for the Gosling family?What was your job called again?"
Granny Mae closed her eyes and thought back to her days in England."I was a governess. My job was to take care of and teach the two young Gosling children."
"What were their names?" asked Beatrice."James and Anastasia," Granny Mae answered."They were smart children. Actually, they remind me rather a lot of you and your brother.They loved to read and to learn foreign languages.They also loved to study science, just like the two of you.
"The Goslings were so kind! I felt like I was part of their family!" Granny Mae smiled."I met your grandfather at their house, you know. I told you that story, didn't I?"
"Tell us again! We love to hear stories about you and Grandpa Nigel," said Beatrice."Hearing stories about him makes us feel like we actually knew him!"
"I do love to tell the story," said Granny Mae."I was just twenty - two when I started working with the Goslings.I had just graduated from Oxford University."
"Mr. Gosling was my tutor at Oxford, where I went to school," said Granny Mae.
"Don't you mean that Mr. Gosling was your teacher?" asked Paul.
"Why, yes, Paul. It's just that in England, professors are called tutors, and classes are called tutorials.School in England is a little different from here." said Granny Mae. "Oh, I understand," said Paul."Any time you don't understand something, always ask," said Granny Mae.
"Let's see, where was I? Oh, yes.
When the time came for me to graduate, Mr. Gosling asked if I had any plans for the future.I told him I wanted to look for a job as a teacher.I wanted to keep studying for the rest of my life. ‘Well,' said Mr. Gosling,‘You're just the kind of person I would love to have teaching my own children.Would you like to come to work as a governess here?' he asked me."
"What did you mean, you wanted to keep studying?" interrupted Beatrice."Wouldn't a teacher have learned everything?"
Granny Mae gave Beatrice a mock frown."No one learns everything!" she answered sternly.