The Wrong Letter
The Wrong Letter The Wrong Letter Chapter 1 One morning the postman came down Elm Road. In his bag were two letters. They looked like this: Miss P Jones 10 Elm Road Bilton; Miss F Jones 79 Elm road Bilton There were two Miss Jones in Elm Road. Pippa Jones lived at number 10. She was mad about ponies. Flo Jones lived at number 79. She was mad about football. But that morning the postman had broken his glasses and he couldn't see very well. That's how the mix-up began. Pony-mad Pippa
The Wrong Letter

The Wrong Letter

Chapter 1

One morning the postman came down Elm Road.In his bag were two letters. They looked like this:
Miss P Jones 10 Elm Road Bilton; Miss F Jones 79 Elm road Bilton
There were two Miss Jones in Elm Road.Pippa Jones lived at number 10. She was mad about ponies.
Flo Jones lived at number 79. She was mad about football.But that morning the postman had broken his glasses and he couldn't see very well.That's how the mix-up began.