Act 2
Act 2 Act 2 Scene 1 Narrator: Both the Book Club and the Pet Club planned their bake sales for lunchtime on the same Wednesday. Neither club realized that the other had come up with the same idea for the same day. Alicia, Kyle, Trong, and Paulette arrived first to begin setting up the Pet Club table in the cafeteria before everyone arrived for lunch. Trong: Kyle, these cookies are fantastic. Alicia: These are truly the best chocolate - chip cookies in the world. We'd better start selling t
Act 2

Act 2

Scene 1
Narrator: Both the Book Club and the Pet Club planned their bake sales for lunchtime on the same Wednesday.Neither club realized that the other had come up with the same idea for the same day.Alicia, Kyle, Trong, and Paulette arrived first to begin setting up the Pet Club table in the cafeteria before everyone arrived for lunch.
Trong: Kyle, these cookies are fantastic.
Alicia: These are truly the best chocolate - chip cookies in the world.We'd better start selling them soon or we'll eat them all up ourselves.
Kyle: I don't think they taste exactly the same as my grandmother's.I think I was supposed to add the sugar before I put in the eggs, and...
Alicia: I think our bake sale is going to be a complete and total success, so let's hurry and finish getting everything ready.
Narrator: The members of the Book Club arrived soon to set up their table in the cafeteria.They were in such a hurry as they carried in boxes of brownies that they didn't notice the Pet Club table.
Tamara: Now we're late, Theo, and it's all your fault.
Theo: I'm sorry, but I had to go back upstairs because I left my book How to Sell Anything to Anybody in my locker, and...
Tamara: And I told you that we don't need a how - to book on selling things to run a bake sale.We're selling brownies, not cars.
Sharon: Actually, Theo's book may help us because on page 4 it says that it's very important to picture success.
Konrad: Theo, what does that mean, "picture success"?
Theo: It means that we should have a picture in our mind of us selling lots of brownies and making piles of moneyto buy boxes of books to give to the Children's Library.
Narrator: As Tamara tried to picture success, she slowly gazed around the lunchroom and noticed the Pet Club table.
Tamara: Right now I'm picturing that we have a very large problem.
Theo: Well, that's not what the book says you're supposed to do, Tamara.It says right here on page 5 that it's necessary to think positively if you want to be successful.
Narrator: Tamara tapped Theo on the shoulder so he would look up from his bookand then pointed over to where Kyle, Alicia, Trong, and Paulette were putting the finishing touches on their bake sale table.When the Book Club saw the Pet Club poster on the front of the table, Sharon sighed in frustration, and Konrad frowned with worry.
Theo: Uh - oh, now I see what you mean.
Sharon: What are we going to do?
Theo: I think we'd better try to find something in my book about this sort of situation.
Narrator: Theo quickly flipped through the pages of his book, looking for a solution to their problem, as students began arriving in the lunchroom.
Konrad: We need to hurry and get set up quickly.Everyone's coming to lunch now, and if we're not ready, they'll go straight to the Pet Club table to buy their cookies.
Theo: Here, I found the answer we're looking for!I checked the index, and there's an entire chapter on how to beat other businesses.Let's see, first we need to find out who would want our brownies. They are our target audience.
Tamara: No, first we need to find our sign!Theo, please stop reading and help us get everything ready.