After School Excitement
After School Excitement After School Excitement If the people who knew him had only one word to describe Ethan Landry, it would have to be responsible. He was a dependable and reliable boy. If Ethan said he'd do something, he did it; if he made a promise, he kept it; and if he said something, he meant it. While everyone who knew Ethan appreciated this about him, it did not necessarily make him popular. Even his friends in school would say that Ethan wasn't the most exciting kid. If you ask
After School Excitement

After School Excitement

If the people who knew him had only one word to describe Ethan Landry, it would have to be responsible.
He was a dependable and reliable boy.If Ethan said he'd do something, he did it;if he made a promise, he kept it; and if he said something, he meant it.
While everyone who knew Ethan appreciated this about him, it did not necessarily make him popular.Even his friends in school would say that Ethan wasn't the most exciting kid.
If you asked Ethan, however, the word he would use to describe himself would probably surprise everyone.Ethan would choose bowler.
Ethan was big and strong for his age, and this size and strength helped him with his bowling.Ethan's size came from his father.Mr. Landry was so big that he looked like a grizzly bear.Ethan had grown strong from helping his parents around the farm.
Ethan carried gallons of milk.He carried wood from the cords of wood piled behind the house.A cord of wood is a pile four feet wide, four feet high, and eight feet long.Ethan helped his parents whenever he could.
Of all sports, Ethan loved bowling the most.If Ethan wasn't at home, helping with the chores, he was probably bowling at the local bowling alley.Ethan would bowl from the minute he woke up until the minute he went to sleep if he could.Ethan's family could not understand why he loved it as much as he did, but he did.
Ethan's twin brother, Jake, liked to bowl, but he had other interests too.He liked football, soccer, and basketball.He loved to play checkers and card games, and he liked to draw.Jake thought lots of things were fun. He always had a good time with his friends.
Jake did well at all the games he played, so it was hard for him to pick a favorite.While Ethan focused on one thing at a time, like perfecting his bowling game,Jake liked to do as many things as he could.
Ethan did not understand Jake and Jake did not understand Ethan.They loved each other and got along, but they were as different as twin brothers could be.
Jake was well-meaning, but easily distracted.Because of this, the boys' parents gave Ethan more responsibility on the farm.Mr. and Mrs. Landry knew, to their dismay, if they sent Jake off to milk the cows, it might not get done.Jake would probably end up inside the farm's immense barn playing in the hay.
"You must be excited about your first day in the fourth grade,"Mrs. Landry said to Ethan over breakfast that morning.
"Sure, Mom," Ethan mumbled over his breakfast, rubbing his eyes.He liked school well enough, but going back meant he had to wake up really earlyto help his parents do the morning chores.
The only exciting part about fourth grade as far as Ethan was concerned was bowling.
"So when are you going to sign up for the junior bowling team?" Mr. Landry asked.
After hearing his father mention the bowling team, Ethan perked up."After school-that's when they're having the Activity Fair."
"Promise me you'll at least take a look at some of the other clubs at the fair.The fair has bowling and lots of other fun activities too," said his mother.
"But Mom, I really want to get some bowling practice in before coming home."
"I know you do, Ethan, and you'll still have time. I'm just asking you if-"