Bump! Bump! One morning, Duck looked at the pond in the woods. It was covered with leaves. "I will clean up the pond for Frog," she said. Duck swam through the leaves. She gathered them up in her beak. She put them in a pile at the edge of the pond. Then Duck picked up the leaves and dropped them under the trees in the woods. "Frog will never guess who cleaned up the pond," she said when she had finished. Duck sat in her nest. "What a surprise Frog will get," she thought. "He will be p


One morning, Duck looked at the pond in the woods.It was covered with leaves."I will clean up the pond for Frog," she said.

Duck swam through the leaves.She gathered them up in her beak.She put them in a pile at the edge of the pond.

Then Duck picked up the leaves and dropped them under the trees in the woods."Frog will never guess who cleaned up the pond," she said when she had finished.

Duck sat in her nest."What a surprise Frog will get," she thought."He will be pleased." Soon Duck was fast asleep.

While Duck slept, the wind blew.Leaves fell off the trees in the woods and into the pond.