Chapter 10 'Night, Peanut
Chapter 10 'Night, Peanut Chapter 10 'Night, Peanut Jack opened his eyes. Then he opened his fist. He stared at the moonstone in his hand. It was clear and smooth. It almost seemed to glow. "We're home," said Annie. Squeak. Annie and the mouse were looking out the window. Jack looked with them. The sun was setting in the distance. No time at all had passed in Frog Creek. They heard their neighbor's dog, Henry, bark. They heard crickets chirping. In the distance,
Chapter 10 'Night, Peanut

Chapter 10 'Night, Peanut
Jack opened his eyes. Then he opened his fist. He stared at the moonstone in his hand. It was clear and smooth. It almost seemed to glow.
"We're home," said Annie. Squeak.
Annie and the mouse were looking out the window.
Jack looked with them. The sun was setting in the distance.
No time at all had passed in Frog Creek.
They heard their neighbor's dog, Henry, bark. They heard crickets chirping.
In the distance, they could see their dad step out of their house. He stood on their porch. "Ja-ack! An-nie!" he called.
Time for dinner. "Com-ing!" Annie shouted.
Jack sat back on his heels. He looked at the moonstone again.
"I guess we have one of the four things," he said.
"We'll look for the other three tomorrow," Annie said.
Jack nodded. They had a lot more work to do.
He put the moonstone in his pocket.
He pulled on his pack. "Ready?" he said.
"Wait," said Annie. She took off one of her sneakers. She pulled off her sock. Then she put her sneaker back on.
"What are you doing?" said Jack.
"I'm making a bed," she said. "A what?"
"Bed! You know, for Peanut to sleep in." Annie picked up the mouse. She tucked it inside her sock.
"'Night, Peanut," she said softly. Squeak.
"Oh brother," said Jack. Annie held the mouse close to Jack.
"Kiss it goodnight, Jack," she said.
"Don't be silly," he said. "Let's go."
"Thanks for helping us," Annie said to the mouse.