Chapter 10 Surprise!!!
Chapter 10 Surprise!!! Chapter 10 Surprise!!! It was the terriblest moment of my life. I looked at the side of the stage. All of the children had shock in their faces. Plus Mr. Scary had shock in his face, too. He quick hurried over to close the stage curtain. Only that's when a miracle happened! 'Cause just at that exact same minute, José hollered, "WAIT!" Then, zippedy fast ... He jumped right into the ocean... And Christopher Columbus swam to America! He did! He did! He really did!
Chapter 10 Surprise!!!

Chapter 10 Surprise!!!
It was the terriblest moment of my life. I looked at the side of the stage.
All of the children had shock in their faces. Plus Mr. Scary had shock in his face, too.
He quick hurried over to close the stage curtain. Only that's when a miracle happened!
'Cause just at that exact same minute, José hollered, "WAIT!"
Then, zippedy fast ... He jumped right into the ocean...
And Christopher Columbus swam to America! He did! He did! He really did!
He swam like the wind, I tell you! And he landed right on Roger!