Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Next door to the Watsons, Baby Lincoln and Eugenia Lincoln were standing in their front yard. "Baby," said Eugenia, "we live next door to a pig." "Yes, Sister," said Baby, "we do." "But that does not stop us from living a gracious life," said Eugenia. "It doesn't?" said Baby. Eugenia handed Baby a shovel. "What's this for?" said Baby. "We are going to beautify our yard," Eugenia said. "We are going to plant pansies. You, Baby, will dig. And I, Eugenia, will plant."
Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Next door to the Watsons, Baby Lincoln and Eugenia Lincoln were standing in their front yard.
"Baby," said Eugenia, "we live next door to a pig."