CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 2 The man turned and waved. "Hi. You must be Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose. I'm Scoop Raker. I work with Jud and his friend Dean. They should be here any minute." Scoop raised the hood of his car, and more steam billowed out. He took a jug of water from the front seat, then unscrewed the radiator cap. Suddenly he yelled and stuck his finger in his mouth. "You'd think I'd learn by now," Scoop said, shaking his head. He pulled a Band-Aid from his pocket, removed the covering, and

The man turned and waved. "Hi. You must be Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose. I'm Scoop Raker.I work with Jud and his friend Dean. They should be here any minute."
Scoop raised the hood of his car, and more steam billowed out.He took a jug of water from the front seat, then unscrewed the radiator cap.Suddenly he yelled and stuck his finger in his mouth.
"You'd think I'd learn by now," Scoop said, shaking his head.He pulled a Band-Aid from his pocket, removed the covering, and wrapped the green Band-Aid around his finger.