Chapter 2 A DANGEROUS DIP Chapter 2 A DANGEROUS DIP The flower they were on shuddered and rocked as the creature landed. "I'm not going to stay here and be eaten," said Joelle with panic in her voice. "It's not going to eat us because it doesn't have mandibles -it has a proboscis, and it's using it to suck up the nectar," Nelson replied. "It's dripping it all over us," complained Joelle, "and look at those hairy legs - they're disgusting!" "Are we by any chance talking about bees here?" ask

The flower they were on shuddered and rocked as the creature landed."I'm not going to stay here and be eaten," said Joelle with panic in her voice.
"It's not going to eat us because it doesn't have mandibles-it has a proboscis, and it's using it to suck up the nectar," Nelson replied.
"It's dripping it all over us," complained Joelle, "and look at those hairy legs - they're disgusting!"
"Are we by any chance talking about bees here?" asked Mrs. Vega.
"Bees have stingers!" Joelle gasped.
"They only sting if they're threatened," Mrs. Vega assured her, "so I'm sure we'll be okay."
"Ouch - that feels like hail!" said Mr. Vega as something landed on his head.
"The bee's knocking pollen off as it searches for nectar," observed Nelson.The chainsaw sound grew louder as the bee backed out of the flower.
"I feel as if I've been in a car wash - a sticky, sweet car wash," said Mr. Vega.He squeezed his T-shirt and watched the nectar drip out.
"Now's our chance to escape before another big bug takes an interest in us," said Mrs. Vega."We have to get to somewhere Eddy can find us."
"Have you seen how high up we are?" Joelle asked, looking over the edge of a petal.
"No problem - I can see a ladder on the other side of the flower," said Mrs. Vega.
"Be careful!" warned Mr. Vega as Mrs. Vega shuffled to the edge of the flower and dropped over the side.
"I'm okay, and this ladder is really strong - I'm sure it can hold all of us," she called back.
Nelson was about to climb off the petal when he saw something big,brightly colored, and very, very scary heading straight for Mrs. Vega.
"Hey, stop shaking the ladder!" Mrs. Vega called up to them.